little packs of cigars
As a lover of cigars, I have always been intrigued by the smaller, more compact version known as little cigars. These miniature versions offer convenience and a unique smoking experience in comparison to traditional cigars. In this article, I will be delving into the world of little cigars and exploring their history, flavors, and popularity among cigar enthusiasts.
History of Little Cigars
Little cigars have a rich history dating back to the 19th century, when they were first introduced as a cheaper alternative to traditional cigars. They were initially called “cigarettes de clairettes” and were hand-rolled with leftover tobacco scraps from cigar production. They quickly gained popularity among working-class individuals who couldn’t afford traditional cigars but still wanted to enjoy a smoke.
Over time, little cigars evolved and became a popular choice among women due to their smaller size and sweeter flavor profile. During the 1960s and 1970s, little cigars were marketed as a safer alternative to cigarettes, with some brands claiming to be “filtered and mild.” However, this marketing strategy was eventually banned due to false claims and little cigars were forced to be sold with a warning label stating “cigars are not a safe alternative to cigarettes.”
Flavors of Little Cigars
One of the most appealing aspects of little cigars is the wide variety of flavors available. Traditional cigars often have a strong, bold taste, whereas little cigars come in a range of flavors from fruity to chocolatey. Some popular flavors include vanilla, cherry, and chocolate, making these small smokes perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
The flavor profiles of little cigars are achieved through a process called flavor infusion. This is when tobacco leaves are sprayed or dipped in flavoring agents before being rolled into cigars. The flavoring agents used can range from natural extracts to artificial flavors, and the process can vary depending on the brand.
Popular Brands of Little Cigars
There are many brands of little cigars available on the market, each with its unique flavors and characteristics. Here are some of the most popular brands among cigar enthusiasts.
1. Swisher Sweets – This brand is arguably one of the most well-known and widely available little cigars on the market. They offer a wide variety of flavors, including grape, peach, and strawberry, and are known for their affordable prices.
2. Black & Mild – These little cigars have a distinct aroma and are made with a blend of aged pipe tobacco. They come in a range of flavors such as apple, cream, and cherry and are known for their smooth, easy draw.
3. Backwoods – These rustic-looking little cigars are known for their rough, natural leaf wrapper, which gives them a unique taste. They come in a variety of flavors, including honey, wild rum, and sweet aromatic.
4. Phillies – This brand offers a more traditional cigar flavor in a smaller size. They have been around since 1910, and their little cigars are known for their smooth taste and easy draw.
Popularity of Little Cigars
In recent years, little cigars have gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts for their convenience and variety of flavors. They are a popular choice for those who don’t have the time to smoke a traditional cigar but still want to enjoy a smoke break. They also offer an alternative for those who find traditional cigars too strong or harsh.
Little cigars have also gained popularity among young adults and college students due to their affordable prices and availability. However, it is important to note that little cigars, like traditional cigars, still contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals and should be consumed responsibly.
How to Smoke Little Cigars
Smoking a little cigar is similar to smoking a traditional cigar, with a few minor differences. Here are some tips for beginners on how to properly smoke a little cigar.
1. Cut the cigar – Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars do not have a cap. Instead, gently pinch off the end to expose the filler tobacco.
2. Toast the foot – Holding the cigar at a 45-degree angle, gently toast the foot (the end you just cut) over a flame. This helps to warm up the cigar and prepare it for lighting.
3. Light the cigar – Once the foot is toasted, place the cigar in your mouth and light it, rotating it to ensure an even burn. Avoid inhaling the smoke into your lungs.
4. Enjoy – Now that your little cigar is lit, take your time to enjoy the flavors and aromas. Little cigars are meant to be smoked slowly, so take your time and savor the experience.
In Conclusion
Little cigars offer a unique and convenient smoking experience for those who enjoy cigars but prefer a smaller size. Their rich history, diverse flavors, and popularity make them a beloved choice among cigar enthusiasts. However, it is important to remember that little cigars, like any other tobacco products, should be enjoyed responsibly. So, the next time you want to sit back, relax, and enjoy a flavorful smoke, consider trying a little cigar. Who knows, it may just become your new favorite.