big little cigars

big little cigars

As a lover of cigars, I have always been fascinated by the wide range of options available in the market. From traditional long cigars to flavored ones, the choices seem endless. However, one type of cigar that often goes unnoticed is the little cigar.

Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are smaller versions of the classic cigar that have been gaining popularity in recent years. These mini-cigarette shaped cigars have a rich history dating back to the 1800s and have experienced a resurgence in the market in the past few decades.

One may wonder, what exactly are little cigars and how do they differ from traditional cigars? Well, let me take you on a journey to explore the world of little cigars.

First and foremost, the size is the most significant difference between little cigars and traditional cigars. Little cigars measure around 3 1/4 inches in length with a ring gauge of around 20-24, compared to the average length of a traditional cigar of 5-6 inches with a ring gauge of 40-60. This compact size makes little cigars perfect for a quick smoke break, unlike traditional cigars that require a significant time commitment.

Another notable difference is the type of tobacco used. Traditional cigars are made from long filler tobacco, which is the premium part of the tobacco plant. On the other hand, little cigars are made from short filler tobacco, which is the lower grade of the tobacco plant and is typically used in cigarettes. This difference in tobacco contributes to the affordability of little cigars compared to traditional cigars.

One must not confuse little cigars with cigarettes, as they are not the same. While they may have a similar size and shape, little cigars are made with a natural tobacco wrapper, unlike cigarettes that have a paper casing. This natural tobacco wrapper gives little cigars a smoother and richer taste compared to cigarettes.

One thing that sets little cigars apart from traditional cigars is the added flavors. These small gems come in a variety of flavors ranging from fruity to chocolatey, making them appealing to a wider audience. The added flavors also mask the strong taste of tobacco, making little cigars a popular choice for beginners or those who prefer a milder smoke.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s dive into the world of little cigars and explore their diverse array of flavors and brands.

Flavored little cigars are perfect for those who want to add a touch of sweetness to their smoking experience. Brands like Swisher Sweets and Black & Mild offer a variety of flavors such as grape, cherry, and vanilla. These flavors are achieved by blending the tobacco with natural or artificial flavorings, giving a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.

For those who prefer a more traditional smoke, there are little cigars available in natural or unflavored options. These cigars offer a more robust and bold taste, similar to that of a traditional cigar. Brands like Phillies and Dutch Masters are known for their unflavored little cigars that are popular among seasoned cigar smokers.

One brand that stands out in the world of little cigars is Backwoods. These rustic looking cigars have gained a cult-like following due to their unique appearance and bold flavors. Backwoods cigars are made with a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, which gives them a strong and distinct taste. These cigars come in a variety of flavors such as honey, sweet aromatic, and dark stout, making them a must-try for any cigar enthusiast.

Another popular brand of little cigars is White Owl. Known for their affordable prices and smooth smoke, White Owl cigars are a go-to for many cigar lovers. They offer a variety of flavors such as grape pineapple, and white grape, making them an excellent choice for those who enjoy fruity flavors.

While little cigars may not have the same prestige as traditional cigars, they are a great alternative for those who enjoy smoking but don’t have the time or budget for a full-sized cigar. Their small size makes them convenient to carry around and perfect for a quick smoke break.

In addition to their size and flavor options, little cigars also offer a more affordable option for those on a budget. A pack of little cigars can range from $5-$10, compared to traditional cigars that can cost upwards of $20 for just one. This affordability makes little cigars accessible to a wider audience, allowing more people to explore the world of cigars.

However, it is essential to note that little cigars, like any tobacco product, still pose health risks. Although they may be smaller in size, little cigars still contain nicotine, which can be addictive. It is crucial to consume them responsibly and in moderation.

In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they pack a punch in terms of flavor and affordability. With a vast array of flavors and brands to choose from, there is certainly a little cigar for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a beginner, I highly recommend giving little cigars a try. Who knows, they may even become your new go-to smoke.