Blackstone little cigars with plastic mouthpieces

Blackstone little cigars are made with a proprietary blend of pipe tobacco and offer satisfying and relaxing flavors with pleasant tastes of sweet cherry and classic tobacco with an intoxicating aroma. Packaged in convenient packs of 5, the plastic tipped cigars are perfect for people on the go. Introduced in 1997, Blackstone little cigars quickly became noted for the unique experience they offer.

Combining a 160-year history with a blend of four types of pipe tobacco, Swisher has managed to find the perfect balance between strength and flavor, creating a favorite cigarette for most smokers. Experimenting over time with several formats and names, Swisher opted for the pack of 5 leaf cigars with a plastic mouthpiece (type).

Blackstone little cigars are now found under the following names: Black Stone Amber (Vanilla), Black Stone Garnet (Wine) and Black Stone Ruby (Cherry).

Some words about the manufacturer of Blackstone little cigars. Back in 1861, Daniel Swisher, the founder of the company, turned from a wholesaler into a full-fledged cigar manufacturer. No, he did not hunch back half his life on tobacco farms, collecting bit by bit the sacraments of cigar production. Ready-made business Daniel received as payment of debts. Although how to say “ready business”? It was one single room with the simplest equipment for hand-rolling cigars. Which Daniel did with his two sons, selling ready-made cigars throughout the Midwest, driving around in his van.

In 1888, the brothers, renaming the company to Swisher Brothers, quickly achieved significant success in the US tobacco market. So by 1895, the company already operated three factories with more than a thousand employees and an annual “exhaust” of 300,000 cigars. However, as it turned out later, this was not the limit. But the true heyday of Swisher Brothers was already in the mid-1920s, when Carl Swisher, son of John and grandson of the founding father, was at the helm of the company.

By the early 1940s, Swisher Brothers was the largest cigar company in the world. And by the mid-1960s, the company was producing 4 million cigars a day and selling them in 47 countries around the world. Who would have thought that a tiny family business would achieve such heights?