Burton Eco little cigars with a uniquely selected American blend

The brand of Burton Eco little cigars is synonymous with quality tobacco products with outstanding value for money. But when it comes to quality, you shouldn’t skimp on Burton despite its low price. With a 100% natural tobacco wrapper, the original has the full flavor of tobacco.

Burton Eco little cigars consist of a uniquely selected American blend. All Burton Eco little cigars are manufactured in Germany by Joh.Wilh.von Eicken GmbH, an eighth generation owner. Filtered Burton Eco little cigars are machine-made finished products and are therefore intended for direct smoking.

The cigarillos sector can be divided into two groups: classic cigarillos and so-called Burton Eco little cigars. Compared to filter cigarettes, Burton Eco little cigars have a lower tax rate and are therefore particularly attractive to price-sensitive smokers. Both types of cigars are wrapped with real tobacco leaves (natural wrapper) but have different filters. Classic cigarillos have no filter, while Ecko cigarillos, as the name suggests, have a filter.

The brand of Burton Eco little cigars was created by the prestigious German company. Burton is a small collection of small cigars that eschews the use of unprocessed tobacco, relying on hand-picked tobaccos from the American blend. In keeping with this philosophy, the company also strives to ensure that the production process has as little impact on the environment as possible. To this end, tobacco cultivation is strictly controlled and even the cellophane and filters in the packaging are biodegradable. This is certainly a very sound move at a time when consumers are looking towards more conscious consumption.

Burton Eco little cigars come in a beautiful, unadorned packaging in red and blue colors. It resembles a modern design and the prominent word “Original”, but the quality behind the brand is not directly apparent. These small cigars may be cheap, but they don’t flaunt it. Our online stores offer a wide range of products, including different variants of Burton Eco little cigars. You are not limited to what is available in local stores and can choose your favorite collections and flavors.

By ordering through our online store, you can order from anywhere and anytime. There is no need to visit a store or search for the right option, which saves you time and effort. Our online stores will deliver your order to your door. This is a fast and convenient way to receive your order without having to pick up the product yourself. Pricing: our web stores offer competitive prices as their operating costs are lower than regular physical stores.