Cavendish Fire Essenze little cigars
The new Essenze little cigars are produced by Continental Tobacco in Hungary.
The unique Essenze little cigars are made from a combination of selected Malawian Burley and Golden Virginia leaves and Zwale smoking tobacco. The blend is flavored with dark fire dried Samsun Oriental tobacco. A small amount of sweet cavendish completes the composition, giving the cigarillo a mild and quite rich flavor.
Indian Summer Essenze little cigars are made of unique Indonesian tobaccos Lombok and Kasturi and Turkish tobacco Samsun. During the manufacturing process, the cigarillos are blended with mild, flavorful vanilla.
Cavendish Fire Essenze little cigars are characterized by the uniqueness of Javanese leaf, grown on the volcanic soil of the island of the same name in Indonesia. The exceptionally natural Cigarillo flavor is enhanced by the addition of a small amount of Cavendish tobacco, which gives the blend a milder flavor and smooth cigar aroma.
Bizou Bizou Essenze little cigars are made from rare Indonesian varieties Lombok and Castori with the addition of Turkish varieties Samsun and French Barley. Original taste is accompanied by medium strength and bright flavors.
Essenze little cigars are machine-made cigars in which the filling is cut into small pieces and the binder is made from reconstituted tobacco. This makes them unappealing as a product. However, opinion changes when the cigarillos are lit.
The flavor of the smoke of Essenze little cigars was very familiar to most smokers from their launch, but it was still memorable for a long time. The same flavor was in French Gitanes cigarettes, which were once sold in large quantities in our country! Do you remember them? Rectangular dark blue packet, without filter. The base note of the bouquet is reminiscent of a cheerful, rich nutty flavor. However, the smoke is only reminiscent of a well-known brand, but with its own nuances. This Castouli character is evident not so much in the flavor, but in the slightly angular character of the smoke and the successful structure that comes from the confident medium strength. And the bouquet features spiciness, sometimes a slightly astringent flavor and even some woody tones.