Mysterious and glorious Swisher Sweets little cigars

Swisher Sweets little cigars are manufactured by Swisher International Inc. in Jacksonville, Florida. The products received recognition in 1861, when David Swisher received a small tobacco business for his debts. For a while, cigars were just a side job for Swisher and his four sons, just one of many things they sold in the Midwest through “rolling stores” or wagons. Today, “Swisher International Inc.” is one of the leaders in the US tobacco industry. Their products account for one third of all US tobacco export sales.

Even if you try to imitate Swisher Sweets little cigars, you still won’t get anything more or less like real cigarillos, which use a unique, secret mixture of tobacco. Cigarillos are made in the USA, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and are offered in many popular forms, sizes and flavors, packaged in 2 or 6 pieces per pack. So why settle for imitation if you can appreciate the original?

Swisher Sweets little cigars use a unique, secret blend of tobacco. Swisher Sweets little cigars are made in the USA, have a pleasant taste and aroma, are offered in many popular forms, sizes and flavors, packaged in 2 or 6 pieces per pack. Swisher Sweets little cigars Strawberry Mini are soft, light and sweet cigarillos with strawberry flavor – the result of a unique combination of quality tobacco, natural and artificial flavors. Swisher Sweets little cigars are smoking sticks that include a single sheet of tobacco on the outside and chopped tobacco on the inside.

Swisher Sweets little cigars taste closer to cigars but contain more nicotine. Swisher Sweets little cigars do not contain additives that support smoldering cigarettes and therefore can be flavored. Both females and males give preference to this type of tobacco products; it all depends on the added flavors and the strength of the Swisher Sweets little cigars. In our special online store you can buy Swisher Sweets little cigars at an affordable price and also get competent advice on the product.