Sparrow little cigars are a tobacco blend for easy smoking

Sparrow little cigars are a fine blend that offers easy smoking. With a balanced blend of beautifully cured Cavendish tobaccos, you can now enjoy a medium-bodied smoke that is quite enjoyable for everyone. Experience the taste of Soft Mix Sparrow little cigars, which is devoid of exorbitant flavors but still has a natural tobacco flavor without the addition of any oyher-origin flavors.

The tobacco blend of another variety of Sparrow little cigars showcases a sensational menthol mix that takes the senses on a journey of revitalizing pleasures that refresh them in an image of perfection. This full-flavored blend leaves no flavor in delivering its sensation, delivering immense pleasure every time it is ignited and inhaled. The Sparrow little cigarse Tobacco line is amazing. With the Sparrow little cigars Tobacco Blend, you can comfortably put one stick into your mouth and experience a steady, slow burning each time that does not leave behind an excessive note, unlike other menthol blends.

In terms of dimensions, Sparrow little cigars differ significantly from cigars, as they are visibly smaller with an average of 8 to 10 centimeters in length and a diameter of between 5 and 8 millimeters. Approximately three grams of tobacco are rolled per cigarillo. Another difference to the cigar is that the cigarillos are often machine-made, which guarantees consistently high quality.

As a small cigar, the cigarillo is not inhaled either, but the smoke is simply absorbed into the oral cavity in order to develop its aroma there before it is slowly blown out again. Because, as with cigars, the secret of flavor development lies in calm. Because just because your pleasure experience is of shorter duration, it is no less intense and aromatic. A cigarillo offers around 10 minutes of smoking pleasure, making it the perfect companion for a leisurely break in the afternoon.

To make the pleasure even better, we propose you to order these Sparrow little cigars from our online shop. We offer you numerous discounts and a great variety of amazing Sparrow little cigars.